All publications should be accessible either as open access manuscripts or pre-prints. Please get in touch if this does not work.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Ferry M. (2025). At the Cost of Vegetarianism. Caste legitimacy and cultural autonomy in contemporary India, Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, Online First.
Weber R., Ferry, M., Ichou M. (2024). Which Degree for Which Occupation? Vertical and Horizontal Mismatch Among Immigrants, Their Children, and Grandchildren in France. Demography, 11670148.
Ferry M. (2024). Cow gastronationalism in India: The instrumentalization of a religious symbol in reinforcing Hindu national sentiment and stigmatizing Muslims, Critique internationale, 103 (2), 11‑-38.
Ferry, M. (2022). Where Does Ascribed Privilege Get You in? Structural and Net Effects of Caste and Religious Belonging in India. Sociology, 56(6), 1176–1199.
Ferry, M. (2020). What’s India’s Beef with Meat? Hindu Orthopraxis and Food Transition in India Since the 1980. Sociological Forum, 35(2), 511–534.
Naudet, J., Allorant, A., & Ferry, M. (2018). Heirs, corporate aristocrats and ‘Meritocrats’: the social space of top CEOs and Chairmen in India. Socio-Economic Review, 16(2), 307–339.
Ferry, M., Naudet, J., & Roueff, O. (2018). Seeking the Indian social space. A multidimensional portrait of the stratifications of Indian society. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal.
Henry, O., & Ferry, M. (2017). When Cracking the JEE is not Enough. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 15.
Book chapters
Ferry, M., & Ichou, M. (2024). The role of migration for intergenerational mobility. In E. Kilpi-Jakonen, J. Blanden, J. Erola, & L. Macmillan (Eds.), Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality (pp. 249–263). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ferry, M., 2023. Vegetarianism and Non-Vegetarian Consumption in India, in: Guilmoto, C.Z. (Ed.), Atlas of Gender and Health Inequalities in India, Demographic Transformation and Socio-Economic Development. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, pp. 29–39.
Ferry, M. (2023). Social Honour. In S. S. Jodhka & B. Rehbein (Eds.), Global Handbook of Inequality. Cham: Springer International Publishing (living reference work entry).
Bruckert, M., & Ferry, M. (2023). Changing Food Habits in Contemporary India: Discourses and Practices among the Middle Classes. In K. A. Jacobsen (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Henry, O., & Ferry, M. (2022). Assignation statutaire et valeur sociale des diplômes Le devenir scolaire et professionnel des élèves d’un Institut indien de technologie au prisme des catégories de réservation. In C. Gadéa & R. Lardinois (Eds.), Les Mondes de l’ingénieur en Inde (xixe-xxie siècle) (Vol. 24, pp. 147–171). Paris: Classiques Garnier.
Note: this chapter synthesizes two of our research outputs on caste inequality in higher education (in the engineering field) in India, one of which is already available in English in SAMAJ and the other coming out soon as a book chapter at OUP.
Al Dahdah, M., Ferry, M., Guérin, I., & Venkatasubramanian, G. (2021). India in COVID-19: A Tragedy Foretold. In T. J. Sugrue & C. Zaloom (Eds.), The long year: a 2020 reader. New York: Columbia University Press.
Note: this chapter is a slightly edited version of our text published on Books&Ideas.
Naudet, J., Allorant, A., & Ferry, M. (2019). Heirs, Corporate Aristocrats, and ‘Meritocrats’: The Social Space of Top CEOs and Chairpersons in India. In S. S. Jodhka & J. Naudet (Eds.), Mapping the Elite: Power, Privilege, and Inequality (pp. 70–114). Oxford University Press.
Note: this chapter is a slightly edited version of our journal article published in the Socio-Economic Review (available here as a PDF).
Working papers
Lavest C., Ferry M., Ichou M., Präg P., 2024. Who Do They Think You Are? Inconsistencies in Self-and Proxy-Reports of Education Within Families. SocArXiv Papers.
The following three working papers compile several analyses to which I have contributed, drawing on the “Trajectoires & Origines 2” (TeO2) survey focused on immigrants and immigrants’ descendants in metropolitan France. These papers are intended for publication as chapters in a book project that is presently under review:
Ferry, M., Tanneau, P., Simon, P., 2023. De la mixité des ascendances à l’hybridation des généalogies. Documents de travail, n°288, Aubervilliers : Ined.
Ferry, M., Simon, P., 2023. Les rapports aux origines : des identités mouvantes confrontées aux assignations. Documents de travail, n°287, Aubervilliers : Ined.
Caron, L., Ferry, M., Ichou, M., 2023. Diversité sociale des immigré·es et de leurs enfants : positions et mobilité intergénérationnelle. Documents de travail, n°282, Aubervilliers : Ined.
Weber, R., Ferry, M., & Ichou, M. (2023). Which Degree for Which Occupation? Vertical and Horizontal Mismatch Among Immigrants, Their Children, and Grandchildren in France. Documents de travail Ined, 278.
November 2024 update: a revised version of this article has been published in Demography.
Ferry, M., & Subtil, J. (2023). Digitized Matchmaking. Marriage-making strategies of the New Middle Class through online matrimonial advertisements in India. CSH-IFP Working Papers, 19.
Ferry, M. (2019). Caste links. Quantifying social identities using open-ended questions. Sciences Po OSC Papers, 1.
Articles in non peer-reviewed journals
Al Dahdah, M., Ferry, M., Guérin, I., & Venkatasubramanian, G. (2020). The Covid-19 Crisis in India. Books & ideas.
Note: this article was also published in a shortened version in Public Books.
Ferry M. (2019). En Inde, des attaques contre les minorités au nom de la vache sacrée. Bulletin de l’Observatoire international du religieux, 31.
Ferry, M. (2018). Cow Terrorism. Books & ideas.
Review of Uneven Odds: Social Mobility in Contemporary India (Oxford University Press India) from Divya Vaid, published in the South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (2018).
Review of La Chair, les hommes et les dieux : La Viande en Inde (CNRS Éditions) from Michaël Bruckert, titled 'In the Land of Vegetarians', Books & Ideas (2018).
Review of Contested Tastes : Foie Gras and the Politics of Food (Princeton UP) from Michaela DeSoucey, titled 'Le foie gras sous la mitraille', La Vie des Idées (2017).