I am a sociologist and currently an Assistant Professor (Maître de conférences) at Université Versailles Saint-Quentin (UVSQ, a founding member of Université Paris-Saclay), and a researcher at Printemps.
I am also a Research Associate at INED (French Institute for Demographic Studies), within the Research Unit “International Migrations and Minorities”.
My research interests are in the study of social stratification, class and educational mobility, and lifestyle segmentation.
In my PhD dissertation, I investigated food-related caste and religious social dynamics of status, integration and stigmatization in contemporary India.
In my current research, I study how caste and religion shape intergenerational class trajectories in a context of growing economic inequality and educational expansion in India. Along with the 3GEN team, I also investigate the patterns and mechanisms of social mobility among migrant families in France.
Methodologically, I use a combination of exploratory statistical tools (geometric data analysis), statistical modeling, and in-depth interviewing. In the case of quantitative data, I mainly use statistical surveys, including large harmonized data sets (IPUMS and DHS). I am also actively interested in the use of web harvested data for social sciences.